Most of proteins firstly combine with ligand or form protein complex with other proteins , and then participate in the process of cell metabolism 其中,多数蛋白质是通过与配体结合或是作为蛋白质复合物中的一部分参与细胞的代谢过程。
The separating technique of the light active pigment - protein complexes from brown algae undaria pinnatifida was developped in this paper 以褐藻裙带菜( undariapinnatifida )为实验材料,建立一套能够分离出有光活性色素蛋白复合物的技术路线。
Objective : the absorption of the polysaccharide - protein complex to the implant surface may be the first reaction between the implant and the surrounding tissue 目的:研究钛种植体周结缔组织中多糖-蛋白复合物在骨愈合过程中的变化规律及可能的作用机制。
So we observed the distribution and the relative amount of the polysaccharide - protein complex and glycosyls in order to find out the possible functions and changing rules of these substances 方法:采用爱尔蓝及生物素标记的植物血凝素方法对兔下颌钛种植体周围组织中的多糖-蛋白复合物及糖基进行观察。
Given the difficulties in experimentally determining the structures of protein complexes , the docking method to computationally predict potential binding modes is currently of great interest 由于实验测定蛋白质复合物结构的困难,目前,通过计算机模拟来预测分子间结合模式的对接方法受到了很大的关注。
Conference contents : to discuss the structure determination of membrane protein and protein complexes , and the recent progress of different methods to analyze and determine biological structures using electron microscopy 探讨三维电子显微学在膜蛋白/蛋白复合体结构解析的应用以及三维电子显微学在解析蛋白晶体中分析方法的最新进展等。
As the total negative surface charge of such complexes matches the surrounding charge density of the matrix , the sds - protein complex stops migrating and remains stationary , as typical of steady - state separation techniques 当复合物表面总的负电荷与周围基质的电荷密度一不能致时,与典型的稳态分离技术相似, sds -蛋白复合物则不再迁移而保持固定。
Conference contents : to discuss the structure determination of membrane protein and protein complexes , and the recent progress of different methods to analyze and determine biological structures using electron microscopy 会议内容:探讨三维电子显微学在膜蛋白/蛋白复合体结构解析的应用以及三维电子显微学在解析蛋白晶体中分析方法的最新进展等。
Besides , 5 % methanol enhanced the resistance to freezing stress in the sensitive species , and this effect seems to be related to maintenance of the psi activity and energy transfer between pigment protein complexes by methanol 值得注意的是5甲醇提高了非抗冻型品种synechocystissp . pcc6803的冻结耐性。其作用机制可能是在冻结胁迫下保持ps活性和色素蛋白复合体之间的能量传递。
Progression of the cell cycle depended on the activity of a series of protein complexes composed of cyclins and cyclin - dependent kinases ( cdks ) . the activity of cyclin - cdk complexes was regulated by a group of cdk inhibitors ( ckis ) 细胞周期进程决定于称之为调节亚基的周期素( cyclins )和称之为催化亚基的周期素依赖的蛋白激酶( cdks )的结合与相互作用,同时也受到细胞周期的负调控因子? cdks的抑制因子cdis家族成员的调控。